Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jasper Jensen

I guess it's time we introduced the newest member of our family--Jasper Jensen our new little weimaraner......atleast he was little when we got him but he is only four months old and on his 3rd collar. He is a sweetie. Although he is in the house with us most the time when we are home Travis and the boys also built him a new doghouse.

I should let you know this doghouse comes fully insulated, carpeted and with it's own temperature controlled hound heater for those cold Colorado days.


Hollie said...

straight to the point, you are CRAZY to get a dog. still love you though! good luck with 4 kids and a dog. :)


He's cute. Were enjoying our rabbit - who knew we were animal people. Luv Ya

TJ said...

And I was hoping to inherit that pink chair (if necessary) ha ha, guess Jasper beat me too it! :) He is cute...if I only had the energy.

Angela said...

Photos of inside Jasper's crib please!