Tuesday, October 28, 2008

30 Days Poll

Okay, it's 11:30pm and Travis is out of town and I am obviously bored and I can't sleep so I was checking out blogs and I stumbled upon my friend Kaysha's blog and she had a poll on her blog asking people what they thought she should do for the next thirty days. I'm totally hijacking her idea and putting a poll on my blog cause I need some motivation people!! So vote for what you want me to do and I promise I will do whatever gets the most votes! Be kind....


TJ said...

well I don't think that most of these will be accomplished....so I vote you go to bed by 10 ;) Hee hee.

The Buckingham Family said...

I think you already look great and probably already workout....so I vote 3 good books! : )

Jen (Maddie Lou Beanies) said...

I voted for going to bed by ten, because that is something we should all do, but it would be the hardest one for me! Good luck!

Melinda said...

You are hijacking everything! No way you can only do one dessert a week!

Rusty and Tara said...

That's a cute idea. Go for the books!
And I loved the caramel apple pics--how does Meredith make it look so easy??

Laura said...

I don't know if you have started or not, but I say go to bed by 10. I figure if you go to bed early you will be more apt the workout in the morning, get a few moments to read a GREAT book and feel too good to eat more than one dessert a night! Love this idea! I may have to apply it to my life at my six week milestone. Have a great week! Love you, Laura

Hollie said...

Kaysha will be thrilled that you liked the idea! I am finally finding a little time to read blogs, and I am way behind! I am loving catching up, and Sadie is soooooo beautiful!